CUFLA has always had a zero-tolerance policy towards racism, discrimination and harassment in any form. This policy is a core belief that is rooted in the lessons taught to us by Baggataway. Our league is open to any athlete, coach, trainer, volunteer or fan who is willing to better the game and through it honour the history, our ancestors and the Creator.
We would like to start by thanking all the indigenous people and cultures of North America. Without them the Creator would have had no one to bless with the gift of Baggataway.
Your ancestors were wise in teaching their descendants the game, instilling in them the greater meanings that it holds, showing them how honouring the gift pleases the ancestors and the Creator. The game unified your cultures and people across vast stretches of the continent. It healed tribes, it settled disputes.
Those descendants were gracious enough to share this gift with our forebears. Your openness toward us brought us into your story; we became part of your culture. You have taught so many of us the deeper meanings of the game and why is it so important.
The game broke down barriers between us. It created a connection that many of us enjoy to this day. These lessons are why we honour the game the way we do.
At times we fail to teach those who play Baggataway all that it represents. We do not show them how holding the stick is a gift, how completing a pass breaks barriers, that playmaking teaches wisdom, how scoring a goal is a victory over much more than your opponent. Sometimes the lesson that is honour gets lost.
We must know that there is no place yesterday, today or tomorrow for racism anywhere in the world: towards people, cultures, races, belief structures. There is no need or reason for it. The openness of our collective ancestors shows us the way forward, and that path is togetherness as one people upon this earth.
Thank you.